Heaps in ES5

This one is about the largest and smallest.

The Heap is a great example of how choosing the right data structure can dramatically change the performance of an algorithm; sorting using Heapsort can be achieved in linearithmic time and constant space.

A Heap is a tree-based data structure. It is very efficient in executing operations of a priority queue, such as inserts, and getting the smallest or largest elements in the tree.

Heaps can be classified as a Max Heap or a Min Heap. To satisfy the Heap property, for a Max Heap, all the parent nodes should be of greater or equal value than their children. On the other hand, for a Min Heap, the parent nodes should be of less or equal value than their children.

This data structure shines on sorting operations since it achieves it in the best time/space complexity. However, even while being a tree-based data structure, searching is not fast since we can't leverage fast searching algorithms such as Binary Search.

Operation Complexity
Sort O(n log n)
Search O(n)
Insert O(log n)
Delete O(log n)
Max/Min O(1)


While ES5 doesn't implement the Heap data structure natively, we can easily represent it using a simple Array without worrying about extra space for pointers to maintain the parent/child references.

The index for the children of each parent can be obtained:

Left Child's Index = Parent's Index * 2 + 1
Right Child's Index = Parent's Index * 2 + 2

Our Heap will implement the following basic operations :

  • Build
  • Insert
  • Remove Top
  • Search
  • String representation

* heap.js
* A module that implements a Heap data Structure
* @module Heap
module.exports = Heap;
var TYPE_MIN = 'min';
var TYPE_MAX = 'max';

* Represents a Heap.
* @constructor
function Heap (array, type, compareFunction) {
    this.array = array || [];
    this.type = type === TYPE_MIN ? TYPE_MIN : TYPE_MAX;
    this.compare = (typeof compareFunction === 'function') ? 
        compareFunction : this.defaultCompareFunction;

Heap.prototype = {
    * Arranges the array as a valid heap,
    * For Max Heaps all children should be smaller than their parents
    * For Min Heaps all children should be greater than their parents
    buildHeap: function () {
        var last = this.array.length - 1;
        var middle = Math.floor(last/2);
        var i;
        for (i = middle; i >= 0; i -= 1) {

    * Sorts the array 'in place' according to the Heap type,
    * A 'Max' Heap will be sorted in ascending order.
    * A 'Min' Heap will be sorted in descending order.
    sort: function () {
        var limit = this._getLastIdx();
        while (limit > 0) {
            this._swap(0, limit);
            limit -= 1;
            if (limit) {
                this._heapify(0, limit);

    * Adds an element to the Heap maintaing its order.
    * @param {Object} element
    insert: function (element) {

    * Removes the first elment of the Heap
    * @return {Object}
    removeTop: function () {
        var top = this.array[0];
        this._swap(0, this._getLastIdx());
        return top;

    * Compares two objects with Javascript's native logic.
    * @param {Object} a
    * @param {Object} b
    * @return {Number}
    defaultCompareFunction: function (a, b) {
        if (a > b) {
            return 1;
        if (b > a) {
            return -1;
        return 0;

    * Makes a valid Heap top down
    * @private
    * @param {Number} startIdx
    * @param {Number} limitIdx
    _heapify: function (startIdx, limitIdx) {
        limitIdx = limitIdx || this._getLastIdx();
        var topIdx = startIdx;
        var top = this.array[topIdx];
        var leftIdx = this._getLeftChild(startIdx, limitIdx);
        var rightIdx = this._getRightChild(startIdx, limitIdx);
        var left = leftIdx && this.array[leftIdx];
        var right = rightIdx && this.array[rightIdx];

        if (startIdx > limitIdx) {

        if (left &&
            ((this.type === TYPE_MIN &&
            this.compare(left, top) < 0) ||
            (this.type === TYPE_MAX &&
            this.compare(left, top) > 0))) {
            topIdx = leftIdx;
            top = left;

        if (right &&
            ((this.type === TYPE_MIN &&
            this.compare(right, top) < 0) ||
            (this.type === TYPE_MAX &&
            this.compare(right, top) > 0))) {
            topIdx = rightIdx;
            top = right;

        if (startIdx !== topIdx) {
            this._swap(startIdx, topIdx);
            this._heapify(topIdx, limitIdx);

    * Interchanges the elements at two indexes
    * @private
    * @param {Object} a
    * @param {Object} b
    _swap: function (a, b) {
        var temp = this.array[a];
        this.array[a] = this.array[b];
        this.array[b] = temp;

    * Maintains the heap property by comparing an elment to it's parent,
    * swaping it if necessary until finding the correct position where 
    * the Heap is valid.
    * @private
    * @param {Number} index - The elment to bubble up.
    _bubbleUp: function(index) {
        var parentIdx = this._getParent(index);
        var parent = (parentIdx >= 0) ? this.array[parentIdx] : null;
        var value = this.array[index];

        if (parent === null) {
        if ((this.type === TYPE_MIN &&
            this.compare(value, parent) < 0) ||
            (this.type === TYPE_MAX &&
            this.compare(value, parent) > 0)) {
            this._swap(index, parentIdx);

    * Returns the left child index of a parent.
    * @access private
    * @param {Numer} parent - The parent's index.
    * @param {Number} limit - Bound until a child's index will be returned.
    * @return {Number|null}
    _getLeftChild: function (parent, limit) {
        limit = limit || this._getLastIdx();
        var childIndex = parent * 2 + 1;
        return (childIndex <= limit) ? childIndex : null;

    * Returns the right child index of a parent.
    * @access private
    * @param {Numer} parent - The parent's index.
    * @param {Number} limit - Bound until a child's index will be returned.
    * @return {Number|null}
    _getRightChild: function (parent, limit) {
        limit = limit || this._getLastIdx();
        var childIndex = parent * 2 + 2;
        return (childIndex <= limit) ? childIndex : null;

    * Returns the parent index of a child.
    * @access private
    * @param {Number} index
    * @return {Number}
    _getParent: function (index) {
        if (index % 2) {
            // Is left child
            return (index - 1)/2;
        // Is right child
        return (index/2) - 1;

    * Returns the index of the last element of the Heap.
    * @access private
    * @return {Number}
    _getLastIdx: function () {
        var size = this.array.length;
        return size > 1 ? size - 1 : 0;

The complete source code for this data structure's including the unit tests for this implementation are included here.

— fabián